Social and Culture Affairs

The company is committed to manage harmonious relationship with surrounding community by actively involved in community’s event. In 2018, since February, the Company was participated in a road repair in Pendingin, Sangasanga, East Kalimantan through CK Indomining to facilitate the economic growth in the area.

In addition, CK-Dizamatra Powerindo also donated 371 bags of cement to to support the renovation of village head’s office Village Head’s Office in Kebur Village, South Sumatra. The company also provides other assistance such as:

  • Donations for religious celebrations such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Isra Miraj and Christmas throughout the site.
  • Donations to maintain community worship places.
  • Disaster relief earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, Sulawesi and Banten.
  • Donations for Indonesia’s Independence Day celebrations.